The model for the series was his friend Anita Brenner, who posed for a single sitting in November of that year. The female form is difficult to decipher in photographs from the series on Brenner. The figure in Krannert Art Museum's print is more legible than others—the model is seated with her back to the photographer and her arms raised around her drawn-up legs. In another example, where the model's arms and legs are tucked in completely, the form resembles that of Weston's iconic pepper print.
Weston wrote of the series that he was "not prepared to say that this is a finer use of photography that the rendering of realism or the grand statement of fact, the capturing of fleeting moments from life, as I have done," but that "at present my tendency seems entirely toward the abstract."
Text by Roxanne Stanulis, from Krannert Art Museum: Selected Works, 2008