This series of scripted and improvised comedic dialogues explores the entwined relationship between good and evil, with the Devil and Black Christ as pivotal personas and appearances by Black Christ’s therapist and a flesh-eating monster. This performance is inspired by the Festival de Cristo Negro (Black Christ Festival) and regional mythology in Portobelo, Panama, asking broad questions about the place of religion and belief in evil among black cultures of the Americas. Featuring Chivas Michael, Autumn Knight, and Xavier Roe.
This series of scripted and improvised comedic dialogues explores the entwined relationship between good and evil, with the Devil and Black Christ as pivotal personas and appearances by Black Christ’s therapist and a flesh-eating monster. This performance is inspired by the Festival de Cristo Negro (Black Christ Festival) and regional mythology in Portobelo, Panama, asking broad questions about the place of religion and belief in evil among black cultures of the Americas. Featuring Chivas Michael, Autumn Knight, and Xavier Roe.
Exhibition and performances are sponsored in part by the Department of Dance, the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, the Women's Resources Center, Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center, Intersections Living-Learning Community, and Krannert Art Museum. Paid for by the Student Cultural Programming Fee.