John Jennings, Speak Café Project, 2011. Courtesy of the artist.
Sep 08, 2022 - 6–8pm
Oct 13, 2022 - 6–8pm
Nov 10, 2022 - 6–8pm
Main Level, Café

Speak Café stands for Song, Poetry, Expression, Art, and Knowledge. It is an open-mic coffeehouse at Krannert Art Museum.

Organized and moderated by Shaya Robinson, SPEAK Café is creative space to share your craft, express thoughts, recite poetry, rap, or even show artwork. Aspiring performers are welcome; SPEAK is an open showcase for your stories and your experiences. Talk to Shaya at each event to get on the list to perform. Beats provided or bring your own.

Take some time between sets to see the museum, especially the featured exhibition Black on Black on Black on Black. Bring friends, and we'll see you in the Café at Krannert Art Museum.