Oct 26, 2017 - 6
Main Level, West Gallery

Join us in song or just listen as We Wanna Woke leads a Community Justice Song Circle, teaching on-the-spot taught songs of joy and revolution at Krannert Art Museum in conjunction with the exhibition Propositions on Revolution (Slogans for a Future).

We wanna woke is a community of people who gather to sing songs for social justice. We:

  • educate each other and the greater community about social and political issues through making a visible and audible presence
  • engage and release our grief, joy, anger, courage, frustration, love together so that we can keep going in the work of social justice
  • build resilient community that can withstand difficult times
  • provide a community resource for social justice events 


"Will there be singing in the dark times? Yes, there will be singing about the dark times" - Bertolt Brecht