Harold Eugene Edgerton, Bullet Through Jack, 1960. Silver gelatin print. Gift of the Harold and Esther Edgerton Family Foundation. 2013-4-4
On View
Nov 20, 2019–Feb 12, 2020

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Harold Eugene Edgerton (United States, 1903–1990)
Bullet Through Jack, 1960
Silver gelatin print
Gift of Harold and Esther Edgerton Family Foundation

Seventy years ago, MIT professor Harold "Doc" Edgerton invented the electonic flash—allowing a speeding bullet to be caught on camera, frozen in place. 

Seeing this photograph today, the power of the bullet provokes a lot of other ideas.

What does it make you think about?


Learn how to make a suggestion for a future Response Wall feature.

See works by Harold Edgerton phorographs in the Online Collection.

Selected by Anne Sautman and Jon Seydl