Guerrilla Girls (American, active since 1985), Guerrilla Girls' Pop Quiz from Portfolio Compleat, 1990. Digital print on paper. Museum purchase through the Art Acquisition Fund 2014-13-1.29
On View
Jan 2, 2019–Mar 1, 2019
Lower Level Lobby, Response Wall

Art responds to the world
You respond to the art
KAM responds to you

The Guerrilla Girls is a group of anonymous women artists who wear gorilla masks when they make public appearances. They are known for their critiques on sexism and racism within the art world, politics, and contemporary culture as a whole.

In this work the Guerrilla Girls pose a question for us to consider. What do you think?


Learn how to make a suggestion for a future Response Wall feature.

See works by the Guerrilla Girls in the Online Collection.

Selected by Anne Sautman and Jon Seydl