Ryan’s posters, bedecked with quirky characters falling, bicycling, battling, or staring blankly are a staple of many fine art poster galleries.
He has created posters for his own band, Dianogah, as well as for dozens of underground U.S. indie bands, such as Fugazi, Shellac, Built to Spill, The Flaming Lips, Stereolab, and Sonic Youth. Ryan’s distinctive illustrations and handwriting grace his work and give his posters that edge, the kind that makes you want to tear down and steal, just so you can have a piece of his work.
This exhibition featured a wide range of Ryan's posters from the past several years. More about Jay Ryan can be found at his website.
Exhibition programming
February 8
10 am–12 pm: Artist Demonstration
"It's Fun to Hang out with Jay Ryan, Sometimes: Monotonous Lecture and Confusing Printing Demonstration." Sponsored by the Lorado Taft Lectureship on Art Fund/College of Fine and Applied Arts
Guest Curators: Jennifer Misuzu Gunji-Ballsrud and Mary Antonakos