Something That Happened Only Once was an animated digital panoramic full wall projection with audio. Recorded in Mexico City, the work blended five narrative fragments in a slowly revolving and evolving double panorama that takes the form of a Mobius strip.
Sponsored in part by the Office of the Chancellor, U of I and Office of the Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, U of I
The piece follows a female protagonist, a male counterpart, and other characters in a manner that suggests narrative but never becomes it. It is instead an expression of temperament or of consciousness—a searching, a longing, a loneliness.
Exhibition Programming
February 16–5:30 pm
Artist Talk
"Something That Happened Only Once," a talk by Roderick Coover, exhibiting artist
Funded in part by the College of Fine and Applied Arts Lorado Taft Lectureship on Art Fund
Curator: Damon Baker