On View
Jan 30, 2009–Mar 29, 2009

Something That Happened Only Once was an animated digital panoramic full wall projection with audio. Recorded in Mexico City, the work blended five narrative fragments in a slowly revolving and evolving double panorama that takes the form of a Mobius strip.

Sponsored in part by the Office of the Chancellor, U of I and Office of the Provost and Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, U of I



The piece follows a female protagonist, a male counterpart, and other characters in a manner that suggests narrative but never becomes it. It is instead an expression of temperament or of consciousness—a searching, a longing, a loneliness.

Exhibition Programming

February 16–5:30 pm
Artist Talk
"Something That Happened Only Once," a talk by Roderick Coover, exhibiting artist
Funded in part by the College of Fine and Applied Arts Lorado Taft Lectureship on Art Fund


Curator: Damon Baker