(L to R) Outgoing KAM Council President Lisa Kocheril, Museum Director Jon Seydl, Incoming KAM Council President Sharon Williams. Photo by Julia Nucci Kelly, 2019.
Clare Haussermann talks with Dean Kevin Hamilton of the College of Fine and Applied Arts before the luncheon begins.
Outgoing Council President Lisa Kocheril welcomes guests to the luncheon.
Outgoing Council President Lisa Kocheril congratulates the 2019 recipient of the Krannert Art Museum Council Unsung Hero Award, Jean Hagen.

Champaign, IL — Krannert Art Museum Council hosted its Spring meeting and luncheon on May 3 at the Champaign Country Club. The meeting was presided over by KAM Council President Lisa Kocheril, who updated the council on recent initiatives, the upcoming Acquired Taste Celebration scheduled for May 18, and introduced candidates for the group's 2019 slate of officers. 

The 2019 officers were elected unanimously and include:

Executive Committee

President: Sharon Williams

Vice President, Membership: Karen Devine

Treasurer: Mary Beth Kurasek

Assistant Treasurer: Liz Jones

Recording Secretary: Diane Schumacher

Corresponding Secretary: Jamie Storm

Museum Council Liaison: Chris Schaede

Ex Officio: Lisa Kocheril, Brice Hutchcraft


Committee Chairs 2019-20

Gelvin Gardens:  Gloria Rainer

Art Conversations: Brice Hutchcraft, Brenda Nardi

Luncheons: Jean Hagen, Debbie Eichelberger, Nancy Johnson

Hospitality:  Lisa Kocheril

Program: Sharon Williams

Membership: Karen Devine

Public Relations: Susan Feuille

Fund Raising: Lisa Kocheril

Finance: Brice Hutchcraft

Archivist: Shelia O’Connor

Directory: Mary Kay Dailey, Mary Beth Kurasek

Newsletter: Diane Schumacher

Calling Committee: Margaret Maguire

Nominating Committee: Executive Board and Appointees

Unsung Hero: Donna Giertz


The spring meeting was called to a close by incoming Council President Sharon Williams, who had served as co-Vice President for Membership. She expressed her excitement at leading the Krannert Art Museum Council and sharing her many ideas on ways to engage and grow this important organization.

During the luncheon, Kevin Hamilton, Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Illinois, addressed guests. His lecture, titled "What the Arts Bring to the Changing Modern University" focused on opportunities for collaborative engagement and the unique position of the arts to inform research across disciplines in the university setting. 

Outgoing Council President Lisa Kocheril was honored with flowers and a gift, presented by Gloria Rainer and Brice Hutchcraft, and the 2019 Unsung Hero Award was presented to Jean Hagen who has contributed greatly to the life of the Council through her work on the luncheon planning committee and other volunteer activities.