Krannert Art Museum collection care team moves works of art in preparation for Spring 2019 accessibility updates in the Bow Gallery. Photo by Julia Nucci Kelly.

A year-long project leading to fully accessible restrooms begins in the Bow Gallery this January. During this first phase of the project, all entrances will stay in use and elevators will remain in operation. The accessibility improvements will continue in other portions of the building after this initial work is complete.

In preparation, the collection care team has already removed the American and European collections from the Bow and Trees Galleries. KAM has reinstalled selected works in the Rosann Gelvin Noel Gallery, including paintings by Camille Pissarro, David Teniers II, Winslow Homer, Anna Ruysch, and many others. These changes will ensure the safety of the art as the project moves forward.

We will continue to update the public as this project moves forward. Throughout these facility improvements, we are committed to providing opportunities for campus and community members to see and learn from the museum’s rich collection.