Greg Drasler, Prospector, 2021. Oil on canvas. Gift of the artist. 2019-29-1 © Greg Drasler

We are enormously grateful to the many people who facilitated the growth of KAM's holdings over the last year by offering gifts of works of art to be accessioned into the collection.

Robert and Sonia Carringer

Laura Chrisman

Nancy Davidson

Greg Drasler

Joel S. Dryer

John Himmelfarb and Molly Day

Suda House through The Museum Project

George M. Irwin

Estate of Misch Kohn

Sheryl Morgan on behalf of the Morgan family in remembrance of Ralph and Pauline Morgan and their sons Stanton, John, and David

Estate of Scott Mutter, courtesy of Robert Mutter Robert Nooter

Estate of George Ogura

Randall S. and Sheila S. Ott

Jon L. Seydl

Estate of Sylvia Sleigh

Ed and Nancy Tepper

Wilbur Weder and Gregory Lambert


Visionary donations of acquisition funds have also made it possible for the curators to develop the museum's collection in strategic ways over the last year.

Robert and Sonia Carringer Art Acquisition Fund

John E. Moyer Sr. and Chris Moyer Fund

Iver M. Nelson Jr. Art Acquisition Fund

Richard M. and Rosann Gelvin Noel Krannert Art Museum Fund

Krannert Art Museum Council Acquired Taste Celebration 2019


Gifts of art and donor-supported acquisition funds are the primary ways we expand our holdings and strengthen the collection on an ongoing basis.