Senior Curator and Curator of Global African Art Allyson Purpura teaches students in World on the Horizon: Swahili Arts Across the Indian Ocean at Krannert Art Museum, 2017.

Internship Program Description

For KAM Curatorial Internships, applying students must work with a faculty member or academic advisor in the student's discipline, in addition to a KAM curator.

The faculty member or advisor will authorize and assist the student, enrolling them in independent study (or similar credit-earning course) for either 2 or 3 credit hours, during which the student will intern at KAM. 

A KAM curator will be responsible for overseeing and evaluating the student’s work at the museum, and the advisor will ensure the student receives proper course credit.  The curator will assign a letter grade at the end of the internship.

Specific projects may include:

  • Working with the curator of European and American art to research Japanese Ukiyo-e prints or European and American decorative arts
  • Working with the curator of modern and contemporary art on research and development of object files in preparation for a collections installation
  • Working with the curator of global African art on research and development of object records for the African collection
  • Research assistance and preparation for an exhibition of KAM’s South Asian painting collection or KAM’s ancient Andean collection
  • Work with curator of global African art work on developing a new interactive map and digital access platform for the African gallery's iPad videos
  • Assisting KAM’s publication specialist on various tasks relating to the production of KAM’s in-house publications


How to Apply

Students may apply for Fall 2018 internships by filling out the KAM Curatorial Internship Application (download from this page, top left).  

Please note the application components include: a) 500-word statement/cover letter; b) a resume; and c) a letter of recommendation. Applications should be emailed to the Senior Curator, following the directions in the application.

Application deadline: August 13, 2018