Migration Stories is an oral history project focusing on personal narratives of how we arrived to where we are now. Participants in this virtual event (via Zoom) will be invited to listen to recorded migration stories from the local community and explore their own migration narratives.
In 2019, San Antonio-based artist Mark Menjivar published a multi-volume artist’s book featuring migration stories from seven partnering institutions, including Krannert Art Museum. During a 2016 artist residency, Menjivar worked with graduate students from the School of Art + Design to conduct oral history interviews on the University of Illinois main quad.
Menjivar and fellow artists in Borderland Collective presented Northern Triangle, an art exhibition focused on histories of migration between the United States and Northern Triangle countries—Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.
Registration is required to participate in this free event | Register Now
Participants will be given instructions to pick up a free copy of Menjivar’s book of migration stories from Champaign-Urbana. Here is a link to purchase the full set, especially for public libraries.
This program will be conducted in English.
Krannert Art Museum endeavors to be accessible to all. This virtual event will be closed captioned via Zoom. If you have questions or would like to request an accessibility accommodation, please email kam-accessibility@illinois.edu.