Join us to celebrate the opening night of Black Girls Are Forever!
"Black Girls Are Forever!" Opening Night is a celebration of SOLHOT and Black Girl Genius Week 2019.
The short film, "Cherish: A Love Letter To Gwendolyn Brooks" (from Ruth Nicole Brown in the spirit of SOLHOT) will be projected in the exhibition while on view through October 31.
To follow will be short artist talks from SOLHOT's girl band We Levitate featuring Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown, Jessica Robinson, Dr. Porshe' R. Garner, and Dr. Blair Ebony Smith. Food, music, laughter and serious dance and play in celebration of Black girlhood to follow.
Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown is an associate professor in Gender and Women’s Studies and Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research documents, analyzes, and interrogates Black girls’ lived experience and explores the gender and racialized power dynamics of collectivity, particularly as it relates to Black girlhood.
Dr. Porshé R. Garner is currently based in Chicago, Illinois. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Organizational Leadership at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Her research explores Black girlhood and spirituality in SOLHOT.
Dr. Blair Ebony Smith (lovenloops) is a postdoctoral research associate in Art Education and at Krannert Art Museum. Her artist, curator, and research interests explore sounds and art-making of Black girls, particularly as it relates to doing Black girlhood with Black girls.
Jessica Robinson is a doctoral student in Media and Cinema Studies. Her research explores the sensibilities of Black girlhood as practiced in SOLHOT through themes of shimmer, funk, and friendship.