
Institutional and Corporate Partners

Champaign Unit 4 Schools

Ed Zagorski Visitors Fund, School of Art + Design

Frances P. Rohlen Visiting Artist Fund, College of Fine and Applied Arts

Fox Development Corporation

George A. Miller Visiting Professors & Scholars, Center for Advanced Study

George A. Miller Committee & Center for Advanced Study Improvisers Exchange

Illinois Arts Council Agency

Jerrold Ziff Distinguished Lecture on Modern Art, School of Art + Design

Lorado Taft Lectureship on Art, College of Fine and Applied Arts

Office of the Chancellor

Office of Equal Opportunity and Access

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

Rantoul Township High School

School of Art + Design Visitors Series

Student Sustainability Committee

Urbana School District 116


Foundation Partners

Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

Anthony Petullo Foundation

Association of Art Museum Curators

Close Friend Foundation

E. Rhodes & Leona B. Carpenter Foundation

Edlis Neeson Foundation

Edwards Foundation Arts Fund

Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation

Foundation-to-Life, Inc.

Harold and Esther Edgerton Foundation

Lumpkin Family Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor

Samuel H. Kress Foundation


Corporate & Foundation Contributors

Analog Outfitters

40 North / 88 West


WEFT 90.1 FM


Director's Circle Members

Lifetime $1,000,000 +

Fred and Donna Giertz

Robert D. Kleinschmidt

Jon and Judith Liebman

Richard and Rosann Noel


Robert and Sonia Carringer

Edward and Eva Cohon

George M. Irwin

Len Lewicki

Iver M. Nelson, Jr.

Theresa and Harlan E. Moore Charitable Trust Fund

Scott and Virginia Webster Trust


Beth L. Armsey and James W. Armsey

Richard J. Hanna and Byron S. Dunham

Kathleen Harleman

Peter and Joan Hood

Krannert Art Museum Council

John and Chris Moyer

Tony Petullo and Beverly Trier

Robert and Ruta Rauber

Robert B. Smith and Travis B. Poole Estate


Margaret Faletti Anderson and Family

Neal Ball

Barry Bauman Conservation

Fletcher Benton

John and Susan Brown

Michael J. Carragher Estate

Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson

Peter and Kim Fox

Arthur Goldberg

Elizabeth Hosick

Claire Hammer Huck

Phillip Kolb Family

Wynn and Sally Kramarsky

National Taiwan University

John and Alice Pfeffer

Gary and Fraeda Porton

James B. Sinclair

Robert and Bonnie Switzer

Keith Viverto

Eric S. Weber

Virginia Webster

William Wegman

Anonymous donors (2)


James and Ruth Anderson

George O. and Sandra L. Batzli

James and Anastasia Economy

Susan E. Jordan Eichhorn

Liza Goldwasser

Terry and Sharon Harkness

James Heins

Icko and Miriam Iben

Wayne and Loretta LaFave

Rich and Margaret Martin

John and Alice B. May

David and Nancy Morse

Walter and Jane Myers

Mary Ellen and Dan Peterson

Brian and Gloria Rainer

The Robeson Family

James and Rachael Sullivan

Ed and Nancy Tepper

John Walter and Joy Thornton-Walter

Anonymous donors (3)


Friends of Krannert Art Museum

Patrons $500–$999

R. Allen Avner

George Gollin and Melanie Loots

Richard and Gloria Helfrich

Melissa McKillip

Charles and Sarah Wisseman

Benefactors $150–$499

Scott and Lynn Anderson

Marc and Fran Ansel

George Antonakos and Anne Sautman

Amani Ayad

Peter and Sandra Beak

Jeff and Sarah Bell

Ken Bengoechea and Nancy Johnson

Susan Bonner and Deanna Hasselbring

Roy and Ann Campbell

Joseph and Sandra Casserly

Nancy Creason

Peter Constable and Renee Mullen

Whitson and Cathy Daily

Harold and Nancy Diamond

Stanley Friedman

Debbie Hensleigh

Lee and Edit Holloway

Deena Noel Horberg

Norma Howard

Stephen Kaufman and Viktoria Ford

Julia Nucci Kelly

Douglas and Jospehine Kibbee

Abraham and Elizabeth Kocheril

Scott and Nancy Koeneman

Bill and Jamie Kruidenier

Tony and Joannie Michalos

Bruce and Theresa Michelson

George and Diane Miller

Audrey Mohn

Thomas and Martha Moore

Dann and Brenda Nardi

Randy and Sheila Ott

Ed Perry and Martha Sierra Perry

Brandon Polite and Kathryn Koca Polite

Selma Richardson

Christopher Schaede

Andy and Charlotte Schuchart

Harriett Shapland

Vaidas and Birute Simaitis

Bernard and Prudence Spodek

Cecile Steinberg

Robert and Diane Todd

Ralph and Carolyn Trimble

Michael and Pamela Van Blaricum

Michael and Michelle Wellens

Norman Whitten

Ed and Sharon Williams

Jerald Wray and Dirk Mol

Anonymous donor

Dual/Family Membership $80–$149

Carl and Nadja Altstetter

Richard and Carol Arnould

Philip Burke and Melanie Emerson

Bernard Cesarone

David and Beth Chasco

Donald and Roma Chenoweth

Roger Clark and Gaye Wong

Copenhaver Cumpston

Glen Davies and Sandra Wolf

Dale and Margery Elliott

Gary and Linda Fisher

Robert and Nobuko Graves

Ernest and Lois Gullerud

Tom and Mary Hodson

Lee and Edit Holloway

Brant Houston and Rhonda Fallon

Dennis and Janet Kane

Michael and Eva Kingston

David and Katherine Kinser

Frank and Patricia Knowles

Beverly Koca

Edward and Antje Kolodziej

Paul Kruty and Jane Block

Seppe Kuehn and Hope Michelson

Louis and Toni Laros

Reed Larson and Sharon Irish

Bernt Lewy and Jan Erkert

Walter and Marguerite Maguire

Lawrence and Julie McGown

Dan Noel and Robin Allen

Dave and Beth Olmsted

Patrick Rietz

Itai Seggev and Dara Goldman

Paula Shurtz

Charles Smyth and Audrey Ishii

Case and Elaine Sprenkle

Gary and Jamie Storm

Philip Strang and Mary Welle

Maureen Warren and Allison Hansen

Peter and Ritchell Yau

Anonymous donors (2)

Individual Membership $45–$79

Mary E. Dailey

Mary Kay Dailey

Sherry Danielson

Deborah Day

Karen Devine

Debra Eichelberger

Edith Erdman

Thom Fehrmann

Rebecca Ferrell

Jean Hagen

Margaret Hansell

Patrick Harness

Cynthia Helms

Kay Hodson

Brice Hutchcraft

Elizabeth Jones

Dolores Joseph

Karen Kanady Miller

Teresa Kinka

Sheila Krein

Susan Krock

Mary Beth Kurasek

Richard Langlois

Marilyn Lindholm

Nishant Makhijani

Joyce Mast

Charles Maybee

Barbara McDonnell

Anna Merritt

Dana Rabin

Lore Raether

Dot Replinger

Janet Saad

Karl Schoeps

Diane Schumacher

Marie Slattery

Cheryl Snyder

Edward Sullivan

Stephanie Swift

Sophia Van Arsdell

Janann Vance

Ian Wang

Kathleen Weibel

Betty Wendland

Student Members $15–$44

Zenita Belle

Ralph J. Dady

Britta Johnson

Julie Losch

Colleen Shelton

Samit Sinha

Johanna Tesfave


List accurate as of November 1, 2017