Mark Menjivar, Migration Stories. Photo provided by the artist.
Apr 15, 2020 - 6:30–8pm
Latzer Hall, University YMCA

This event has been postponed until the 2020-2021 academic year.

Organized by the New American Welcome Center at the University YMCA and Krannert Art Museum. Co-sponsored by La Casa Cultural Latina, Art Education in the School of Art + Design, Art + Design Visitors Committee, and I-CAUSE (Illinois-Coalition Assisting Undocumented Students' Education). Paid for by the Student Cultural Programming Fee.

Migration Stories is an oral history project focusing on personal narratives of how we arrived to where we are now. This event is an evening to hear, read, and interact with local migration stories. 

In 2019, Menjivar published a multi-volume artist’s book featuring migration stories from seven partnering institutions, including Krannert Art Museum. Menjivar will facilitate the conversation about migration, featuring narratives from his past interviewees, and distribute copies of his publication.

Several interviews in Migration Stories were captured on the University of Illinois main quad during a 2016 artist residency by Mark Menjivar . He and fellow artists in Borderland Collective presented Northern Triangle, an exhibition focused on histories of migration between the United States and Northern Triangle countries—Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.