Guy Carelton Wiggins, Wall Street, New York, 1930. Oil on Canvas, 1943-1-5
New York Stock Exchange. Photo Credit to Henrik Jagels.

Guiding questions:

  • Let’s try and describe the weather. How does the weather affect the mood of the scene?
  • How would you describe the style of this painting?
    • It is a busy city with tall buildings and heavy snow. We can see people and cars moving on the street. Heavy snow is falling from the sky and covering the building and people in the painting. The artist used different shades of grey and white to show the cold weather. The brushstrokes are blurry, and the colors are dark with bits of warm yellow from the windows. We can’t really see the details of the painting very well.
  • Where is this painted?
    • The site is Wall Street in New York. You can still see these buildings when you visit New York City. They are important historic buildings in New York.