Krannert Art Museum Council Board (October 2022)
Jane Myers and Brice Hutchcraft visit with one another while attending the KAM Council Garden Party, 2019. Photo by Julia Nucci Kelly
Nancy Johnson and Carolyn Ottmers enjoy the KAM Council Garden Party, 2019. Photo by Julia Nucci Kelly

Council members work closely with others who share an interest in art, and they expand the museum's outreach to the community. 

See how KAM Council can magnify your KAM experiences! The Council provides opportunities to Be involved, Be Inspired, Be Informed and Be Indulged: 

Volunteer in the Gelvin Gardens
Be a part of a KAMC team that maintains the Gelvin Gardens, which director Jon Seydl calls "the first gallery of the museum", while forming bonds with others who enjoy gardening.

To support the ongoing care and maintenance of the gardens, a Krannert Art Museum Council Garden Quasi-Endowment Fund has been established. Anyone can give online via our Contribute page.

Make New Friends at KAMC Mixers
Meet in a member’s home to exchange personal interests in art, often connected to an exhibition at KAM, while enjoying refreshments, getting to know other members, and building friendships.

Join in Art Conversations
Meet in a member’s home for a presentation, usually connected to a KAM exhibition, by a person knowledgeable about art, and for wine, food, and time to socialize with other members.

Share Your Thoughts at Noon Art Sparks at KAM
Hear at least two art enthusiasts exchange ideas about a work of art shown at KAM. Your responses, sparked though their dialogue, can be shared with others as you eat your lunch in the Link Gallery.

Gather at KAMC Luncheons
Come to our Spring and Fall luncheons while you gather with fellow art enthusiasts and supporters of the museum at artfully decorated tables to learn something new about art at the University of Illinois and in the community.

Enjoy the Elegant Acquired Taste Celebration
Attend the museum's new gala fundraiser where you can not only enjoy lavish wine, food, and music but also cast votes for works of art to be added to the museum collection.


To Become A KAM Council Member

Becoming a Council member is easy.

First, if you're not already, become a museum member.

Then, send your Council dues ($50 annually) with your name, address, and contact information (phone/email) to: 

KAM Council
c/o Krannert Art Museum
500 E. Peabody Drive
Champaign, IL 61820

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to email the council.

Krannert Art Museum Council Officers

Board | 2023–2024

Kim Wurl

Vice Presidents  
Karen Devine and Kathy Micek

Jane T. Santogrossi and Cecile G. Steinberg

Recording Secretary  
Melissa Merli

Corresponding Secretary   
Diane Schumacher

Museum Council Liaison  
Jon L. Seydl


Committee Chairs | 2023–2024

Marguerite Maguire

Art Conversations  
Gail Bickel and Sharon Williams

Art Sparks  
Melissa Merli

Kim Wurl

Kim Wurl

Brice Hutchcraft and Cecile G. Steinberg

Garden Endowment  
Brenda Nardi

Gelvin Gardens  
Gloria Rainer

Debbie Eichelberger and Nancy Johnson

Karen Devine and Kathy Micek

Kim Wurl

Public Relations  
Kim Wurl

Unsung Hero  
Donna Giertz

Acquired Taste Celebration Committee

Kim Wurl, Chair 
Gail Bickel 
Debbie Eichelberger 
Lori Hunt 
Mary Beth Kurasek 
Gloria Rainer

The Unsung Hero Award

This award was inaugurated in 2001 to honor a Council member who has volunteered tirelessly, diligently, and quietly.
  • 2001 Harriett Shapland
  • 2002 Norma Howard
  • 2003 Nancy Morse
  • 2004 Phyllis Robeson
  • 2005 Judi Gratkins
  • 2006 Mary Kay Dailey
  • 2007 Katie Pomonis
  • 2008 Alice Pfeffer
  • 2009 Gloria Rainer
  • 2010 Jane Myers
  • 2011 Jim Sinclair and Bob Smith
  • 2012 Sandra Batzli
  • 2013 Margaret Martin
  • 2014 Diane Schumacher
  • 2015 Rosann Noel
  • 2016 Chris Schaede
  • 2017 Marty Sierra-Perry
  • 2018 Sheila O’Connor
  • 2019 Jean Hagen
  • 2020 Debbie Eichelberger
  • 2021 Karen Devine
  • 2022 Lisa Kocheril
  • 2023 Brice Hutchcraft
  • 2024 Mary Beth Kurasek